Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A New Doctor / Ultra Sound 5-22-12

I've been having some slight pain in my lower right abdomen for the past few days.  At first I figured that's where the intestinal beavers had decided to build their poop dam, but it didn't go away after a few BMs.  So yesterday I fugured I'd just have it checked out.  I was free for most of the day today so I wanted to get an appointment for this afternoon.  So I called Dr. "S" and as usual, I get the recording in which I have to wait for the appropriate prompt.  I hit the right number, and the receptionist aswered.  I told her my issue and asked if I could come in.  She stumbled around for a minute and then proceeds to tell me Dr. S is out for the week.  OK...AND??  There are 3 other doctors in that office, and I'd be more than happy to try a new one out.  I tell her this and she says she doesn't know who is covering for Dr. S.  Huh?  Really?  This is exactly what I would want to hear if I were going into labor.  So then she wants to transfer me to Dr. S's nurse Cami.  Every time I have to leave a message for Cami it takes her 2 days to get back to me.  Not acceptable in this case.  I asked, "Can't I just make an appointment, and in the meantime you can figure out which doc will see me?"  Apparently not - so she tries to transfer me to Cami and ends up hanging up on me instead.  Ok, no prob...

I get on Google Maps and low and behold, there is an OB/GYN in the building next door.  Mind you that I live within walking distance from these offices. So I dial the number and an actual person answers the phone.  Imagine that!  I explain the situation and was pleasently surpised when she said she understood and asked me to come in at 1:15 today so I could start filling out paperwork.  It was so easy. 

So I haul my bloated butt over there today and it took about 15 minutes to fill out all of the paperwork.  I had to wait a bit longer in the waiting room but really didn't mind as they had a book that I ended up getting really interested in (but now I can't remember the name...dammit!).  The nurse took me back and got my weight/blood pressure and then led me into the ultrasound room!!  I wasn't expecting this at all.  And then I thought that maybe they didn't have any other rooms available. I figured I would just point out where my pain was and have him poke it and tell me to stop worrying. The nurse got all of my info and then asked me to get undressed from the waste down...oh great...ANOTHER PAP...but no, she said he would do an ultrasound.  Yea!  But I still wasn't going to get my hopes up for several reasons. The main being the possibility that something was wrong. 

The doc came in and I was just immediately relieved at the site of him.  I was already in stirrups so I was thinking about what a great first impression I must be making.  But he was very very nice and he reminded me alot of my past couple of obgyns that I loved so much.  He asked me to point out where the pain was, so I did, and all of the sudden he takes hold of the wand, does his thing, and there it is!  A little blob with a pulsating mass in the middle!  I was mesmerized.  And he seemed genuinly happy to be sharing my first look at the new life inside!  He even printed out a pic for me!

EXCITING!  We then went back to his office and chatted.  It was not rushed and he did not preach to me.  He shared some stories and even told me about classes he holds there at the office.  The first is June 4th and I will be going! 

I couldn't wait to get home and show Tom our first baby photo.  I'm so relieved that the pain I'm having is nothing to worry about, and now I know for sure there IS a kid cooking and that it's not twins.  :-) I sent it to Meghan and she agreed with everthing and told me I had a nice sac.  Yea to my new Dr. Tydings!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad everything is okay and that you found a doctor you really like.
