Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A New Doctor / Ultra Sound 5-22-12

I've been having some slight pain in my lower right abdomen for the past few days.  At first I figured that's where the intestinal beavers had decided to build their poop dam, but it didn't go away after a few BMs.  So yesterday I fugured I'd just have it checked out.  I was free for most of the day today so I wanted to get an appointment for this afternoon.  So I called Dr. "S" and as usual, I get the recording in which I have to wait for the appropriate prompt.  I hit the right number, and the receptionist aswered.  I told her my issue and asked if I could come in.  She stumbled around for a minute and then proceeds to tell me Dr. S is out for the week.  OK...AND??  There are 3 other doctors in that office, and I'd be more than happy to try a new one out.  I tell her this and she says she doesn't know who is covering for Dr. S.  Huh?  Really?  This is exactly what I would want to hear if I were going into labor.  So then she wants to transfer me to Dr. S's nurse Cami.  Every time I have to leave a message for Cami it takes her 2 days to get back to me.  Not acceptable in this case.  I asked, "Can't I just make an appointment, and in the meantime you can figure out which doc will see me?"  Apparently not - so she tries to transfer me to Cami and ends up hanging up on me instead.  Ok, no prob...

I get on Google Maps and low and behold, there is an OB/GYN in the building next door.  Mind you that I live within walking distance from these offices. So I dial the number and an actual person answers the phone.  Imagine that!  I explain the situation and was pleasently surpised when she said she understood and asked me to come in at 1:15 today so I could start filling out paperwork.  It was so easy. 

So I haul my bloated butt over there today and it took about 15 minutes to fill out all of the paperwork.  I had to wait a bit longer in the waiting room but really didn't mind as they had a book that I ended up getting really interested in (but now I can't remember the name...dammit!).  The nurse took me back and got my weight/blood pressure and then led me into the ultrasound room!!  I wasn't expecting this at all.  And then I thought that maybe they didn't have any other rooms available. I figured I would just point out where my pain was and have him poke it and tell me to stop worrying. The nurse got all of my info and then asked me to get undressed from the waste down...oh great...ANOTHER PAP...but no, she said he would do an ultrasound.  Yea!  But I still wasn't going to get my hopes up for several reasons. The main being the possibility that something was wrong. 

The doc came in and I was just immediately relieved at the site of him.  I was already in stirrups so I was thinking about what a great first impression I must be making.  But he was very very nice and he reminded me alot of my past couple of obgyns that I loved so much.  He asked me to point out where the pain was, so I did, and all of the sudden he takes hold of the wand, does his thing, and there it is!  A little blob with a pulsating mass in the middle!  I was mesmerized.  And he seemed genuinly happy to be sharing my first look at the new life inside!  He even printed out a pic for me!

EXCITING!  We then went back to his office and chatted.  It was not rushed and he did not preach to me.  He shared some stories and even told me about classes he holds there at the office.  The first is June 4th and I will be going! 

I couldn't wait to get home and show Tom our first baby photo.  I'm so relieved that the pain I'm having is nothing to worry about, and now I know for sure there IS a kid cooking and that it's not twins.  :-) I sent it to Meghan and she agreed with everthing and told me I had a nice sac.  Yea to my new Dr. Tydings!

Monday, May 21, 2012

7 week update 5-21-12

The first OB appointment. 
I have obviously been poisoning my mind by reading the various pregnancy forums available on the web.  On I am a member of several groups.  One is for 1st time moms with 2nd time dads.  Another is First time moms over 30.  But the one that's infecting my brain is the January Birth Club.  So all of these moms to be are in my boat - expecting in January - and experience a lot of the same symtoms and have a lot of the same questions.  But I differ from many of these moms in one area.  Infertility. I know my sister would want to smack me for writing what I'm about to write, but I am by no means infertile...apparently.  It took me one try and badda boom badda bing I'm preggers!  So a lot of these moms on the forums have struggled with infertility or are considered to be high risk...which means they get their first ultra sounds at 5 - 6 weeks.  I guess if they've spent thousands of dollars on fertility treatments, what's another $400 on an early ultrasound?  But I didn't realize this was the case when I went for my first appointment. 

I insisted Tom accompany me to this appointment and he was happy to oblige.  Poor guy is stressed to the hilt but still 100% supportive of this whole process.  We were looking forward to hearing a heart beat on the dopplar or maybe seeing a gestational sac as so many of my collegues in my January Birth Club have already gotten to experience!

We get to the office and they lead us back to the first "processing" area where I have to pee in a cup and they do a weight check.  I was then expecting to get another blood draw since the first was at 3 weeks. But nope, no blood draw.  This should have been the first indicator that this appointment would not go as I had planned it in my head. Don't they need to check my HCG and Progesterone?

Next we meet Dr. "S" and she begins to go over "everything I need to know", starting with my due date - which according to her "wheel" is January 7th. I already knew this.  She asked some history questions and then began to go over a few do's and dont's.  And I mean like 3.  Out of all the things I have heard or read, she only went over 3 and handed me a packet.  I was a little disappointed.  

She then prnounced me ready for my exam.  Oh goody!  What I had come here for!  Or not...  I thought about it for a second, since Tom was with me and running short on time, and I asked her if they were going to listen for a heartbeat.  She looked at me like I was dumber than a box of shit.  I actually felt embarrassed.  I guess that look meant "No".  *Sigh* I kissed Tom and sent him on his way.  So instead of getting a transvaginal ultrasound, I got a good old fashioned pap smear.  Something I just had done in October.

She told me to come back when I was 10 weeks along. So that's June 12th.  I'm guessing I get my dopplar or u/s then?  Meghan asked me how the appointment went and she wasn't surprised to hear that they didn't listen for a heartbeat, but she was surprised that they wait until 10 -11 weeks. She brought up a good point - what if it's ectopic?  Do we just wait for my fallopian tube to explode?  She wants me to call and find a new doc. Which I will do...after my nap...  :o)

So the nausea started last Monday, and actually Monday was the worst.  I think I've been making a subconcious effort to make sure I'm never hungry since I never want to feel that way again.  I also went to the drug store and purchased Sea Bands. They really do work!  I get carsick when I'm riding with Tom and I have look down, for instance, to check my phone.  On the way home from the store, Tom was driving and I put the bands on really quick and then tested them out by reading the instructions while moving in the car.  No car sickness.  So I've been wearing these things religiously, even though they start to hurt a little after a while. Tom calls them my Wonder Woman bracelettes.

Then there is the boobs.  Oh poor poor boobs.  They feel like someone is trying to cut them off.  (I forgot to mention that as an added bonus to my pap smear, I got a breast exam.  Good times!)  I now have to wear a bra all of the time, even to bed. 

INSOMNIA!!  I think I may be going crazy these days.  I do not sleep at night anymore.  My friend Tiffany - not my brown suga sista Tiffany - but my friend down here in LA, told me that she thinks it's my mind's way of training me for what's to come.  I think she is right.  And it's affecting Tom.  He'll wake up for a moment at 3 am and look over at me, surfing away on the internet from my phone.  He feels so bad he can't even get back to sleep - for at least 5 minutes. 

I've got no appetite.  But I think I'm hungry.  A few days ago I told Tom I wanted a hot fudge Sundae from McDonalds.  We go get one and I took about 3 bites and threw it out.  Turns out it's not really what I wanted.  Yesterday we went to lunch with Mark and Tiffany and the panini sounded great!  Until it arrived.  And then all I wanted was 4 year old Sophia's chicken fingers.  I almost stole them from her (I did manage to get 1).  So for dinner last night we went out and I ordered chicken fingers.  They arrived and the only thing that looked appealing was the fries.  Tom went to grab a fry and I snapped at him.  They only gave me like 10 of the damn things.  He was really hurt!  I had to convince him it was ok to eat my fry - and oh by the way - please try it in one of the 6 dipping sauces I had my poor waitress bring out for me. 

And last but not good ole friend constipation.  I requested the doc give me a script for prenatals since it would be cheaper than buying the over the counter brand.  So I stared taking them Wed and by Thur the poop flow had completely stopped.  And what's dumb is that these vitamins have a stool softner in them.  And since my quack doc told me to take NOTHING in my first trimester, by yesterday morning Tom and I were thinking of creative non-medical ways to relieve it (ha dad...).  I was miserable.  I told Tom I was over this prgnancy - ready to skip to labor and delivery.  So I asked my sis about what to do (don't worry, she is a doctor).  I ended up drinking a cup of coffee in the morning and doing a Fleet last night.  Ah - some relief.  I swear if I have to drink more water I'm just going to set up permanent shop in the bathroom OR invest in depends.  So needless to say, I have decided to skip the photo posting for a few weeks.  It's a pain to get the camera out and I'm fairly positive that any pooching would just be the big brown butt baby showing.  

I am very excited about going to Alabama for Memorial Day weekend.  We will be going to the lake, which I love!  Not sure about what to do with the dog.  I guess I will take her with me.  She needs a little boat time!  Tom and Dillon are flying up to meet me on Saturday.  It will be Dillon's first time on a plane. 

Today is Dillon's last full day of 2nd grade!  Tomorrow is just a half day and then he is out for the summer.  I found an overnight camp online so I think we'll send him for a week session and see if he likes it.  I always enjoyed it when I was his age.  Something to break up the monotony of the day camp he attends here. 

I'd also like to try and get my 5 year old nephew down here for a week, but the logistics of that are proving to be a bit cumbersome.  I have to go to Atlanta for work at the end of June, so hopefully we can work something out where I can bring him back with me?

I'm enjoying working from home at this time.  Like right now - it's 8:30am and I've been up since 3am, so I think I'm gonna try and catch an hour nap before my 10:00 call. 

...Until the next update!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

6 week bump/update 5-14-12

Yesterday I announced my pregnancy to my family and friends.  They wanted to know the typical info:  How far along, any symtoms, etc.  When they asked about morning sickness, I responded that I felt fine!  Just a little nauseous whenever I got hungry but nothing to get excited over...

I spoke too soon.

This morning I actually got out of bed and fished a paper clothing bag out of my closet and put it next to my side of the bed.  I'm only 5 steps away from the toilet but I had no idea if I'd be able to make it.  I never threw up, but I SOOOO wanted to.  I even ate some toast but it didn't help.  Ug.  And to make matters worse, I now have a standing 7am conference call!!  I felt better after I got up and sat at my computer, so tomorrow morning I'm going to try and work my way through it.  It's not like I have to get up and go into an office, I just get out of bed and walk into my personal home office.  Life's rough. 

Same flab...nothing changed from last week.  Surprise surprise.

6 weeks

The Announcement 5-14-12

Yesterday was a very exciting day!  First of all, it was Mother's Day and I already have plenty of reasons to celebrate:  Mom, Tina, Laura, and now myself being a step mom/expecting a child.  Second of all, we broke the news to our families and close friends!  

I had batted around several ideas about when and how to tell.  I thought about telling Tom's local family on Mother's Day, and my long distance family Memorial Day weekend when we would be there to see them.  There was something too plain Jane about just calling up and announcing the news over the phone.  But if you read the previous post "Big Mouth" you'd understand why waiting to tell my family was not an appealing option to me.  So I had to come up with something else.  This is how it went down:

The Day Before Mother's Day: 
I took 2 different "Announcement Photos" using our shoes and our newest obsession, Turvis Tumblers.  

I downloaded the photos onto my Mac and emailed them to my phone and printed out a copy.  

 We had decided to tell Dillon that night, so we waited until just before he went to bed and showed him both photos.  Tom started with the shoes.  Dillon studied the photo very diligently and when Tom asked him if he knew what it meant, he said, "I think so."  So Tom pointed to each pair of shoes and asked whose they were.  Dillon answered each time but when asked about the booties he looked puzzled and said, "Roo's?".  HA HA! Very cute.  So we pulled out the photo with the tumblers and his eyes got really wide and he turned to me with, "Are you pregnant?!?!" and looked at my stomach.  Ha!  So we confirmed his guess and then watched as he jumped around on the couch like a grasshopper with excitement.  He asked a lot of really good questions and some were pretty funny. I wish I had written them all down!  I made him a calendar that stops at January, and for each month I wrote in important dates, such as last day of school, Father's Day, first day of School, Halloween...all the way to January in which I wrote "baby" in pink and blue on the due date.  I wanted him to have something to reference the amount of time we are going to have to wait until Baby H makes an appearance.  I explained that the baby was only the size of a sweet pea and in those 9 months it would grow to the size of a newborn baby.  He asked me if I was going to have a natural delivery, which tells me he knows more than Tom and I thought he would know. Very funny coming out of an 8 year old's mouth.  

Mother's Day: 
Tom and I have been waking up at around 4 am every morning. This is a natural thing for Tom, but a new thing for me as Ive stopped taking my typical "kill a horse" dosage of Benedryl every night.  But somehow we both managed to sleep until 5:30.  Ok I DID take 2 Benedryl that night because of a nasty onslaught of sneezing and the fact that I read somewhere that sneezing makes your cervix open.  But for the most part I've stayed away from my typical allergy cocktail.  Anyway I'm glad for my family that we slept in because as soon as I opened my eyes I was reaching for my phone!  I announced to Tom that "I was gonna do it!" and he just grinned at me and shrugged.  I sent the first text to my mom with a picture of the tumblers and a Happy Mother's Day message.  I quickly followed it with one to my dad, and then one to Tina.  They all responded instantly so we had a quick chat and then I sent them the link to this blog so I didn't have to explain it over and over.  ;o)  My dad had mentioned that my me-maw was with my cousin Amanda so I sent her the photos and asked her to show them to me-maw.  I sent her the blog link as well.  I sent it to my brother and SIL in Atlanta, and to my brother in Florida.  There...that took care of my family and I got the response I was wanting.  Our next plan of attack was breakfast with Tom's mom and sisters, and then I would continue my text message raid on my friends when I got home.

We met my MIL Laura and SILs Madison and Taylor at IHOP (yea for the stuffed french toast!!).  We were VERY surprised they got there at 8:00 sharp!  I figured maybe Tom already told them so they were super excited to see Dillon's reaction...I'm still a little suspicious of this.  But we all exchanged hugs and they sat down and we were having some very light conversation when all of the sudden Dillon blurts out, "Katie's pregnant!" It was totally unscripted and we wanted him to be the one to tell them so it was very cute.  They all seemed to be very surprised and I was happy to be with them sharing our news in person. We exchanged cards and Tom gave them the t-shirts we picked up for them in Punta Cana a few weeks earlier.  I had wanted to buy tickets for all of us to see "What to Expect..." but tickets were not available yet.  Hopefully we can go this weekend when it comes out!  

As I said before, the next step was going to be to send my texts to my close friends when I got home, but all of the sudden in the middle of breakfast I get 2 texts.  The first from Laura, my best friend in IL, telling me congrats.  ???  I should have known...Moms + daughter's first pregnancy + mothers day + facebook = news is out there!  Sure enough I check facebook and both mom and Tina have already spilled the beans.  Ha!  Now I will give them credit that they didn't mention my name, but my dear sister made sure she clarified the situation in the comments section. And that 2nd text was from my friend Sandy in IL and it said "Happy Mothers Day! Are you preggers?"  I responded and she was excited, but it wasn't until later in the evening that it dawned on me that Sandy is not friends with my mom on facebook!  She just has baby radar and impeccable timing.  Crazy girl.  Anyway, while we were sitting at the table at IHOP I quickly shot out a slew of texts with the photos to my sweet friends.  I got to talk to them after breakfast, so that was nice.  

All in all a very eventful day with my news!

I had decided against telling people at work, but what the hell was I thinking?  My dad, my husband, and myself all work for the same damn company.  So this morning I called my boss to make sure he didn't hear it from other people, and I told some close work friends.  From here, I'm sure it will spread like wildfire since I gave Tom the green light to tell his boss.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Discovery 5-5-12

My husband Tom and I were married November 12, 2011.  Because we work for the same company, it was virtually impossible to take our honeymoon at the end of the year.  So we decided we'd shoot for April 2012.  We did quite a bit of searching and ended up booking an all inclusive resort in Punta Cana.  

Months passed and as April approached we started counting down the days until our departure, which was set for April 25th. 2 days before we left, I started dreaming of the endless Pina Coladas and Strawberry Daiquiris...until the thought dawned on me, what if I am pregnant??  The first day of my last period was April 2nd (I remember vividly because I was visiting my sister and used every last one of her tampons...thanks Meg!) and my next cycle was 7 days away.  I mentioned this to Tom and he told me to take a pregnancy test, duh.  But it was too early!  I wasn't set to have another period for 7 more days!  All of the test I have seen are only 5 or 6 day early tests, and even then only about 68% of women test positive if they are pregnant.  

I figured I wouldn't worry too much about it.  I would just keep the drinks to a minimum and have a good time...   yeah right.  My have-to-know-this-instant personality got the better of me. I decided it wouldn't hurt to pee on a stick.  I woke up very very early on the morning of the 24th and took the test. Tom was sleeping and I didn't want him to know I was taking the test.  I have a flair for the dramatic and I knew he'd be rolling his eyes at me.  After all, I had just stopped the pill at the beginning of February and I've heard it takes up to 6 months to get back on a regular cycle, plus combined with my age (I'm only 33 but in my biological clock brain I was 55 and my eggs had dried up), and the fact that this was really early, I was pretty sure he would think I was just overreacting. 

I stood in the bathroom waiting anxiously for what seemed like an hour, even though it was probably about 2 minutes.  I was using a First Response Early HPT.  The control line popped up bright pink.  I waited another minute and nothing was happening.  It was a little dark in the bathroom so I walked in the closet and switched on the light.  Still nothing...or wait, maybe if I tilt it a little like this, yes there appears to be a very faint 2nd line...!!!???!!!  Could this be real??  What does this mean?  How dark does the line have to be?  Oh wait, maybe there is nothing there. Oh well. No, there is definitely the slightest faint pink line..when I tilt the test to the side...I think...  OH GEEZE just go to bed and stop worrying about this!!! 

I shoved the test in a drawer and as I climbed under the covers I could tell Tom was awake, so I immediately told on myself.  He wanted to know the results and I told him it was too dark in the bathroom and I couldn't really tell.  I tried to explain the faint pink line but he's a man and this confused him.  He flopped over on his side with his head on my chest, which is his non-verbal way asking me to scratch his back. 

We both drifted back to sleep and woke up excited to start packing and running last minute errands before leaving for paradise!  But I still had this nagging feeling.  So I waited until he was busy in the office and I pulled out a new test.  I had purchased a 5 pack of these things about 4 years ago and I couldn't believe I was actually using them!  This time there was a definite 2nd line, still faint, and pretty splotchy.  WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?  I'm pretty sure the instructions state that the 2nd line may not appear as dark as the first, but unless it states all scenarios with which a 2nd pink line could resemble, I'm as confused as a man.  I start googling "faint pink line" and many of the forums suggests that no matter how faint it is, if there is a 2nd line, your pregnant.  I need a second opinion of course.  So I leave the test out on the counter for Tom to see. 

We get busy packing and making lists of last minute things we need to do.  As we were out and about running errands, I asked Tom if he looked at the 2nd test.  My expectation that he would notice the positive pregnancy test sitting on my bathroom counter must have been to high *sigh* (god I love this man though!).  I did, however, get the expected eye roll out of him (god I want to smack this man!).  We just happened to be pulling up at Target, so while he was trying on bathing suits, I went in search of a digital test.  Screw this pink line business.  

We grabbed sandwiches from Subway and made our way back home.  First things first though, I ripped open the box and relieved myself on the little stick.  I put the cap back on and joined Tom at the table.  It was just me, Tom, some sub sandwiches, and a pee stick with a hour glass on the indicator window.  He laughed at me for putting this pee soaked device on the table.  I peered at it about 15 times and the hour glass was really starting to annoy me...JUST GIVE ME AN ANSWER DAMMIT!  And there it was, with all it's glory, one simple little word.  "Pregnant"  

Tom's response was something like, "Well what do you know?".  I'm pretty sure he was more dumbfounded than me.  Ha ha.  He did give me credit for having the hunch and acting on it and this negated all of the eye rolling he had been performing earlier in the morning. 

I was so happy!  I gave him a high five for having Super Sperm (this was the first month we had forgone any contraceptive...and remember in my mind I still had the pill in my system and my eggs were old and ancient).  I could tell Tom was excited when he asked me when I wanted to break the news to everyone.  We decided to wait and talk about it some more over the next 7 days. 

Well the trip was amazing and it was a perfect time for he and I to spend together, alone, dreaming of this new life inside me.  I still got some eye rolls out of him about my extremely sore breasts and the fatigue I was starting to experience.  But I don't blame him.  I am, after all, overly dramatic.  Which is why he loves me.  

At this time, the only person I have told is my sister.  I need that female (non eye rolling) feedback and I love her and trust her to listen to my fears and not tell anyone.  We are still trying to decide on the best time to tell my 8 year old step-son Dillon.  I don't want to traumatize him if something were to go wrong.  I am, after all, only 4w6d.  Perhaps Mother's Day?  My first O.B. appointment is May 15th, so maybe after that?

This is my first blog ever, and I'll continue to update it as my pregnancy progresses.  It's nice to have a way to capture the memories and share them with the ones I love.

5 week bump 5-7-12

Ok so I know good and well there is no bump at 5 weeks and what you are about to see is pure fat hanging there (sad to say I even sucked in a bit).  The really sad part is that we joined a gym 4 days before I found out I was pregnant.  It's Tom's fault, he made me fat by making me fall in love.  OK that's all I'm going to say about the fat.  I'm not dillusional, I know it's not a bump... although I have not had my first appointment.  Maybe I'm more like 12-14 weeks!  Yeah then I could blame it all on Baby H! can dream!

5 Week Side View

5 Week Front View

Monday, May 7, 2012

Big Mouth 5-7-12

I am not the kind of person that can keep a secret like being pregnant, especially since it's half my secret! It's because of this impatient trait that I don't think I have ever given a gift on the day the gift is supposed to be given, like a birthday or Christmas.  The exceptions are children's gifts of course.  But if I buy my husband a kick ass pistol for his birthday, I have to give it to him the day I buy it.  Which luckily he doesn't mind.  Most people don't, except my sister Meghan who takes the birthday business very seriously.  God bless her heart.

So here we sit, me being 5 weeks pregnant today (or am I in my 6th week?  Very confusing).  I can't believe it's real.  By now, I have taken about 15 home pregnancy tests as as well as confirmed via a blood test at the OB/GYN office.  3 of the HPTs and the blood test were all performed before we left for Punta Cana on April 25th.  Another 8 or so HPTs were done while we were in Punta Cana, and just for good measure I've taken about 3 more since we got home 5 days ago.  It's my version of pinching myself.

Being in Punta Cana that first week after we found out was fabulous for a blabber mouth like me.  There was little phone and internet access.  So I spent the time enjoying my husband and our surroundings, reading "What to Expect...", and scrolling through every pregancy app I had download before we boarded the plane.  My best friend Laura thinks I spent the whole time devouring these Fifty Shades of Grey novels she is so in love with.  HA!  Little does she know (and how badly I want to tell her my news!!).  We are supposed to discuss them tonight at book club so I'll have to make up an excuse as to why I didn't finish all 3.  I do want to read them so I dont want her or my mom to spoil the ending.  My sister still thinks we are discussing Hunger Games so maybe we can just go with that...

Also, while in Punta Cana and being 4 weeks along, I went deep sea fishing and we did the Canopy Zip Line.  While fishing we caught a blue marlin but it snapped the line before the guide could sink the big hook into it.  Drats!  That could have been a great way to tell the family our news.  "I caught this blue was so cool...and I was 4 weeks pregnant!"  Oh well.  And the Zip Line was awesome as well.  I thought I would chicken out but surprisingly enough I had no fear.  I guess my subconcious was telling me something?  At any rate the trip was great.

The food at the resort was awesome!  At least it was for me.  I wanted to eat healthier (meaning cut down on fast food and get more greens, lean protein, etc) and the buffet was the easiest way to get started!  Every day I ate eggs, carrots, broccoli or snow peas, fruit, and baked chicken.  The soda tasted strange so I stayed away and drank lots (TONS) of water.  I would only have about half a cup of coffee to try and combat the caffein withdrawal but since I've been home I've weined myself completely.

At this point my symtoms have been minimal.  Of course the pee situation has been annoying.  I average about 30 trips to the bathroom in a 24 hour span.  But I can't tell if this is a symptom or if it's because I've been taking in a lot more water.  I'm telling you though, I stop drinking it at 8pm or earlier and am usually in bed by 9, but I still get up about every hour.  Also my boobs are large but they have been large since I gained about 40 pounds over the last year.  If they are destined to get bigger we (meaning my boobs and I) are in for a long road.  And they are constantly sore now.  My poor husband - look but no touch!  It's killing him.  I've had some fatigue but I've been working out so I think it's helping keep it to a minimum.  And the only time I experienced real nausea was on the plane ride home. I have never felt sick on a plane.  But I had to tell myself over and over - you will not vomit in front of all the people, you will not vomit in front of all the people.  And I didn't.  As soon as we landed I was ok.  I would have thought the fishing trip would have done me in... 

Side note:  Just talked to my dad and it was so hard not to say, "Hey, Guess What?!?".  Erg.

We would like Dillon to be the next person to know.  And then I would love to let Dillon annouce the big news.  I'm interested to see if he has any funny ideas on how to go about it.  For an 8 year old, he's got a pretty good comedic edge to him.  But we are still trying to decide on the best time.  We thought about mothers day but he'll be with his mom most likely.  Once we figure it out I'll update the blog.