OK so I'm like a day early on posting this blog but it's a lazy Sunday and I have plenty of time today.
Tomorrow I will officially be 37 weeks! I just can't believe it! This means I'm full term and now it's all just a waiting game. My weekly appointment is tomorrow and I'm really hoping there is at least a little dilation going on... maybe 1 or 2 would be nice. For the last 2 weeks he checked me and announced I was "high and tight" meaning there ain't nothin goin on. But I've had more braxton hicks - nothing regular like 2 weeks ago - but I get them. Kind of feels like someone is slowly spreading my hip bones apart with one of those surgical instruments they use to crack your ribs. Somewhat painful but not a show stopper. I've cut out coffee, which surprisingly wasn't that hard to do. I didn't want her popping out demanding a caramel machiato with a double shot of espresso. Although that sounds yummy. I've been trying to drink more water instead. Not sure why... don't think it really matters at this point but I feel like I need to be hydrated and ready for labor. I've also been walking more. Just an attempt to get things moving along. She pushes her little tush out on my right side, so I constantly feel lopsided. And when she really sticks it out there it kind of hurts! I give her some taps which she seems to ignore. Like mother like daughter. I think she has dropped down a bit in the last 2 days. My ribs are not nearly as sore as they were over the past month, and the cough I had seems to have subsided FINALLY! The 8th month was by far the worst because of that darned cough. I haven't gotten a solid night's sleep in 8 months, but now it's especially difficult. It's very hard to get into a comfortable position, and when I finally find something that works and doze off for an hour, I wake up with aching hips and the need for a bathroom trip. Getting in and out of the bed is a chore! Poor Tom. I have not had that much swelling - maybe b/c I gave up the coffee and replaced with water? But my feet have looked like normal non-pregnant feet for the last 2 weeks, so that's good!
So that's my news for now, and I leave you with my comparison montage. If there is a significant change in my cervical status tomorrow, I'll post again. If not...I'll post when I get around to it. :o)
New Blog Entry PLEASE!!!!!!