Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, June 4, 2012

9 week update 6-4-12

To my loyal fans:  I am very sorry that it has taken me 2 weeks to post.  I was waiting for Necia to send me some pics so I could post them here, but she is a horrible slacker and I cannot keep you waiting any longer!

So we'll have to go all the way back to memorial day weekend.  It was such a great weekend with my family at Lakeside Landing.  Dillon absolutely LOVES to visit and this just over joys me. He had his very first plane ride with his dad and then followed it up with 2 days of pure fun.  We had several kids there and we were all impressed with Will's right of passage into the world of Big Boy Tubing! 

<insert photo of kids on tube - use your imagination since slacker Necia can't figure out how to text a damn photo>

We roasted marshmallows and hot dogs, the boys made new friends, and the babies got to experience some outdoor life.  It really was just beautiful!  I was sad to leave.  Sidenote:  Since my husband had flown up while I drove, I was looking forward to having someone to help drive back.  We got about 20 miles past Tuscaloosa and I get the "Honey, my eyes are drooping, you need to drive."  Road Wimp.

The day after we got back, Tom, Laura, and myself went to see What to Expect When You Are Expecting at the theater.  We went to eat at Italian Pie where Taylor works first - she is so cute.  We got to the theater and I sat on the end, expecting to get up to pee several times, but no!  I made it through the whole movie!  Also, I think Tom enjoyed the movie more than I.  Every time Elizabeth Banks experienced a symptom he jabbed me in the side and chuckled, "That's you honey!".  Hardy har.  But true.  He has no idea what the next 7 months have in store for him.

This past weekend was filled with baseball...  Dillon had his regular Saturday game and it was beautiful outside!  But on Sunday, he had to make up for 2 rain outs with a double header and it was HOT!  Margie and I sat in the sun (we're so stupid, we were surrounded by smart people that brought umbrellas and chair tents).  I drank a 24oz Gatorade and 3 bottled waters.  I informed Margie that I had yet to pee - which meant I must me too hot if I was just sweating it all out.  So I finally moved over to the shade, which was the visiting team but I didn't care.  And good thing too.  It was closer to the bathroom that I visited about 45 times after that.

Today I went downtown to meet up with my mom.  Her touring Play Group was doing at show at Harrah's.  It was cute.  My sister was right, Mom is totally over qualified for this, but it looked fun.  I wish I was down there to go and do all of the fun stuff with her.

As far as symptoms -
I thought I had gotten lucky as my nausea subsided for week 7 and half of week 8.  But no - it was just a breather.  It's back.  Sometimes bad enough for me to use the sea bands, sometimes not.  I like those things but they make a horrible mark in my wrists and they start to hurt after a prolonged period of time. 

Boobs.  Sore.  Huge. 

I don't have as much cramping but from time to time, I can tell my uterus is doing the Stretch portion of the P90X program. 

Sleep has gotten better.  This may be because we finally kicked the animals out of the bedroom.  Poor dog.  I still get up every 2 hours to pee, but I'm typically able to get back to sleep. Unless it's Saturday or Sunday morning in which I'm up at 4am.  Thank goodness I can eat and go back to bed!

And I'm tired.  I feel as if I'm climbing a mountain.  Eating and talking make me winded.  Laying in bed scratching Tom's back makes me winded. 

But that's about it!  I am about to leave to go to a class over at my Doctor's office.  I'm not that interested in the topic.  I'm just going to meet some people.  I need some friends down here.  Sidenote:  I saw Matt and Melo York at the ball park and I was telling Margie who they were, and she said, "See you have friends down here! And I'll be your friend!".  I responded, "That's great Margie.  My friends consist of my ex-boyfriend's best friends, and my husband's ex-wife!"  Can't I just have normal friends??  I'll keep you all posted. 


  1. I'll be your friend....oh wait you said normal....never mind.

  2. Oh and yes the weekend was wonderful. I love playing in the water with the kids.
