...Maternity clothes!!
I've been a bit self conscious about the 20lbs I put on after Tom and I got married. I mean, what can I say? The man makes me so happy I just have to eat (I'm watching Four Weddings on TLC and one of the brides even admits, "Food is Love"). I visited my sister at the beginning of April and had to run to the outlet by her house and buy some bigger pants, so when I got back home I told Tom that we were NOT going to have a baby until I dropped the 20lbs (then we did the deed and here we are).
Needless to say, after a little over 11 weeks the baby is pushing out the fat around my belly and I'm tired of standing in my closet wondering which pair of yoga pants I'm going to sport for the day. So I caved and called Laura (my MIL) in to assist in the search for comfort.
I thought this was going to be a hard thing to do. But immediate relief fell upon me as soon as we stepped foot in Motherhood Maternity!! I kind of went a little crazy. Laura had warned me that once I tried on maternity pants, I'd never be able to think about regular pants the same way. She was sooooo right.
I'm a bit of a chinsey (sp?) person. I hate shopping because I hate spending money. So I felt like someone had injected me with mad woman juice as I ran through this store putting my hands on every rack of clothes in site. And Laura was over there piling more clothes onto the madness and I was loving it!! I even loved trying on everything. Not every pair of jeans worked, but I was able to actually find a pair that I LOVE. And shorts, tops, a work outfit that's very versatile, underwear, etc!! I'll have to admit that I broke a very small sweat when I stepped up to the register, but as I looked back and forth between my pile of clothes heaven and the clerk holding my debit card, I realized whatever it was it would be well worth it (I'll just use those food stamps for a while to make up for it).
So I paid and we headed out to lunch at Italian Pie where Taylor works to celebrate our shopping victory. As an added bonus, we timed it just right to catch Taylor on her break, so she got to sit and eat with us.
After that we ran by Target and I picked up a few plain t-shirts. I got "lost" in the baby section and it was all I could do to resist purchasing new born outfits for the hospital. The girl outfit said "Ready to Party" and the boy outfit said "I'm the New Guy". They were so tiny!
Laura dropped me off at home and I proceeded to try on every outfit again. I got to the last ensemble and Tom walked in from his meeting, so I tried them all on for him again! Yea yea yea!
I was so excited to wake up this morning and put on a new outfit. I went with the jean shorts and a blue tank. I may do a wardrobe change mid afternoon to the cargo pants and white tank. We'll see how I'm feeling :O)
I get to model them all for my family and work colleagues over the next week, so I'm super excited about that too. I work from home, so it's kind of a treat to go into the office for a few days. And a bigger bonus to see my family while I'm at it!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Shut up and do what I say!
Why don't people just realize I always have a valid point, and I'm always right!
My OB has a little flyer posted outside the reception window that states "2D Gender Prediction: 16 - 18 weeks. $65". So last time I was at the office I decided I wanted this. I'm just busting at the seams (pun intended) to know if we are having a boy or a girl! I want to go nuts at Carters and Target and Walmart!
I didn't make the appointment right away because I wanted to get home and look at a calendar to determine when the best week would be. I would like to take Dillon and he starts school on August 8th, which is in my 18th week. So I wrote down some dates, and stopped by yesterday when I was on my way back from taking Dillon to camp.
The receptionist asked me if I had ultrasounds done before, and I told her yes, I had 2 done at their office. She wanted to know why they weren't able to tell the gender during those...UH I must look like I'm 6 months preg...lord help me since I'm only 11 weeks! I explained this to her. So I gave her the dates I wanted to come in to have their advertised $65 scan and she started looking at the calendar. She then goes on to explain to me that I'll be wasting my money since there is no guarantee they'll be able to determine the sex and I'll be having a gender scan at week 20. So I should just hold off. I told her I didn't care (I wanted to tell her I has saved for the last 4 years to come up with this $65 bucks just so I could have this fancy scan - but I refrained - side note: last week the grocery store clerk asked if I wanted to use my food stamps...). She then wanted to run it by the nurse. By this point I was more than aggravated...why do you advertise this scan for $65 if all you are going to do is question people and talk them out of it?? She comes back to her desk and tells me the same thing...I'd be wasting my money. I wanted to reach through the window and pull her nappy hair out of her head. Once again, I pointed to the flyer, and calmly explained that I wanted this $65 item, and I wanted to schedule it for the week of July 30.
She finally gave up and pushed some papers across the threshold. GEEZE! I have a reason for schlepping my fat butt over to your office, so just shut up and do what I say!
My appointment is for August 2nd at 8am.
Now to decide how we want to go about finding out... should we have the tech put it in an envelope and then go out to breakfast? yeah right...Tom, Dillon, and myself are all too impatient for all that!!
I'm so excited I can't wait!
My OB has a little flyer posted outside the reception window that states "2D Gender Prediction: 16 - 18 weeks. $65". So last time I was at the office I decided I wanted this. I'm just busting at the seams (pun intended) to know if we are having a boy or a girl! I want to go nuts at Carters and Target and Walmart!
I didn't make the appointment right away because I wanted to get home and look at a calendar to determine when the best week would be. I would like to take Dillon and he starts school on August 8th, which is in my 18th week. So I wrote down some dates, and stopped by yesterday when I was on my way back from taking Dillon to camp.
The receptionist asked me if I had ultrasounds done before, and I told her yes, I had 2 done at their office. She wanted to know why they weren't able to tell the gender during those...UH I must look like I'm 6 months preg...lord help me since I'm only 11 weeks! I explained this to her. So I gave her the dates I wanted to come in to have their advertised $65 scan and she started looking at the calendar. She then goes on to explain to me that I'll be wasting my money since there is no guarantee they'll be able to determine the sex and I'll be having a gender scan at week 20. So I should just hold off. I told her I didn't care (I wanted to tell her I has saved for the last 4 years to come up with this $65 bucks just so I could have this fancy scan - but I refrained - side note: last week the grocery store clerk asked if I wanted to use my food stamps...). She then wanted to run it by the nurse. By this point I was more than aggravated...why do you advertise this scan for $65 if all you are going to do is question people and talk them out of it?? She comes back to her desk and tells me the same thing...I'd be wasting my money. I wanted to reach through the window and pull her nappy hair out of her head. Once again, I pointed to the flyer, and calmly explained that I wanted this $65 item, and I wanted to schedule it for the week of July 30.
She finally gave up and pushed some papers across the threshold. GEEZE! I have a reason for schlepping my fat butt over to your office, so just shut up and do what I say!
My appointment is for August 2nd at 8am.
Now to decide how we want to go about finding out... should we have the tech put it in an envelope and then go out to breakfast? yeah right...Tom, Dillon, and myself are all too impatient for all that!!
I'm so excited I can't wait!
Monday, June 18, 2012
11 week bump/update 6-18-12
Tom had an awesome Father's Day weekend!
It started on Saturday when Laura cooked his favorite breakfast (I get this wrong every time...Chicked Beef on toast??). She made me some really yummy french toast...oh how I miss white bread!! It's always nice to see Madison and Taylor and spend time with the fam! From there we went to Dillon's baseball game and this time I was smart and brought an umbrella for the sun. I see all these people with the chairs that have a built in shade and I want one, but at the same time, I don't want to buy any more "crap" that has to be stored in this house. I'm sure if I get desperate I'll toss some duct tape in my purse and tape my damn umbrella to my chair. But on this day, for 1 hour, I held the umbrella and survived. After that Tom and I tried a new spot to eat. Unfortunately, I ordered the wrong thing and didn't eat any of it. I ended up going to pick up a sandwich from McAlister's - my new favorite place. I stopped and bought Andrew his 1 year birthday presents for next weekend and headed home. Tom had big plans to head across the lake and meet up with some friends, but when I arrived home he was sacked out in our bedroom with the air conditioning going full blast. So I took a shower and then snuck in beside him. We had made plans to go see "Rock of Ages" but we sort of slept through that. Whoops! But a very nice Saturday I'd have to say!
Yesterday, Margie dropped Dillon off with us so he could spend the day with his dad. Dillon was so excited to give Tom his Father's Day gift! We got him 2 cute cards, and a GPS watch that he can use on the golf course (Tom was about to order it online one night until I pointed out what a wonderful present it would make!) We wanted to eat breakfast at Cracker Barrel but every one of the rocking chairs out front had a body in it. So we gave up on that idea and went to Waffle House instead. After breakfast, Tom and Dillon headed to the golf course to try out the new watch. From there, they went and goofed around at Bass Pro where Tom bought Dillon a boomerang. Of course they had to go and try out the boomerang so they headed over to Pelican Park. While they were out doing all of that, I took a nap, went to the grocery store, and started making Tom's favorite Lasagna. According to Tom's facebook post, it was the best Father's Day he ever had!
As for the point of this blog - a new life inside - I am officially 11 weeks today. I do not see this as any sort of major milestone - please see last blog! I have taken new photos of my "bump". Yes I do believe that I'm starting to show. I can no longer suck it in.
Wow I can't believe I am posting these. I think it would be much cuter if it wasn't the baby just pushing out a layer of fat, but it is what it is and one day I'll look back and thank myself for documenting this crazy trip! I also need to work on my tan...
My next appointment isn't until July 10. I'll be 14 weeks by that time. I'm hoping the next few weeks fly by...I'm going to Andrew's birthday this weekend, and then driving over to Atlanta for work training, spending a night or two with Grayson, and then headed back here to celebrate the 4th of July.
Until next time...
It started on Saturday when Laura cooked his favorite breakfast (I get this wrong every time...Chicked Beef on toast??). She made me some really yummy french toast...oh how I miss white bread!! It's always nice to see Madison and Taylor and spend time with the fam! From there we went to Dillon's baseball game and this time I was smart and brought an umbrella for the sun. I see all these people with the chairs that have a built in shade and I want one, but at the same time, I don't want to buy any more "crap" that has to be stored in this house. I'm sure if I get desperate I'll toss some duct tape in my purse and tape my damn umbrella to my chair. But on this day, for 1 hour, I held the umbrella and survived. After that Tom and I tried a new spot to eat. Unfortunately, I ordered the wrong thing and didn't eat any of it. I ended up going to pick up a sandwich from McAlister's - my new favorite place. I stopped and bought Andrew his 1 year birthday presents for next weekend and headed home. Tom had big plans to head across the lake and meet up with some friends, but when I arrived home he was sacked out in our bedroom with the air conditioning going full blast. So I took a shower and then snuck in beside him. We had made plans to go see "Rock of Ages" but we sort of slept through that. Whoops! But a very nice Saturday I'd have to say!
Yesterday, Margie dropped Dillon off with us so he could spend the day with his dad. Dillon was so excited to give Tom his Father's Day gift! We got him 2 cute cards, and a GPS watch that he can use on the golf course (Tom was about to order it online one night until I pointed out what a wonderful present it would make!) We wanted to eat breakfast at Cracker Barrel but every one of the rocking chairs out front had a body in it. So we gave up on that idea and went to Waffle House instead. After breakfast, Tom and Dillon headed to the golf course to try out the new watch. From there, they went and goofed around at Bass Pro where Tom bought Dillon a boomerang. Of course they had to go and try out the boomerang so they headed over to Pelican Park. While they were out doing all of that, I took a nap, went to the grocery store, and started making Tom's favorite Lasagna. According to Tom's facebook post, it was the best Father's Day he ever had!
As for the point of this blog - a new life inside - I am officially 11 weeks today. I do not see this as any sort of major milestone - please see last blog! I have taken new photos of my "bump". Yes I do believe that I'm starting to show. I can no longer suck it in.
Wow I can't believe I am posting these. I think it would be much cuter if it wasn't the baby just pushing out a layer of fat, but it is what it is and one day I'll look back and thank myself for documenting this crazy trip! I also need to work on my tan...
My next appointment isn't until July 10. I'll be 14 weeks by that time. I'm hoping the next few weeks fly by...I'm going to Andrew's birthday this weekend, and then driving over to Atlanta for work training, spending a night or two with Grayson, and then headed back here to celebrate the 4th of July.
Until next time...
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
The Longest 9 Months Ever!!
Time is moving so slowly it seems. At least from an hour by hour perspective. I'm such an impatient and nosy person that I think there are 2 main items that are contributing to the way I feel.
1) We've known I was pregnant since I was only 3 weeks. YES 3 WEEKS! I took that damn home preggo test 1 week before my period was supposed to start, just because I wanted to know if I should be drinking myself silly in the Dominican Republic. I mean I'm definitely glad I did, but this means I've known for 7 weeks now! UG. Most people I talk to find out the news around 6 or 7 weeks. So in their 10th week they have only had a month to digest the info. I've had 7 weeks! Today, I finally unsubscribed from all of the email newsletters I've been receiving from babybump.com and wte.com. It's interesting info, but I've already read it all...a few times!! Plus, I work from home so sitting at the house with just a cat and dog to talk to can really drag out a day (sorry Miss Kitty and Roo). I shouldn't bitch...I asked for this work from home gig and I do love it.
2) I just want to get to 16 weeks! I think if I can make it to 16 weeks this feeling of impatience and anxiousness will die down a little. At 16 weeks I can have an "informal" gender ultrasound at my docs office for $65. And really, this is the main thing I want to know! I just need my premonition that it's a girl confirmed. Once I know this for sure, I can let go and move forward with my day dreams and planning! As it stands now, I'll start to day dream about holding my little baby and I'll really start to connect, but then the dream gets side railed when my mind starts to wonder off to gender land. I need to know that the baby I am dreaming about is a boy or girl. Then the dream can complete itself and I can move on to feeding and baths and threatening my husband that he is NOT going golfing and leaving me behind with a screaming child...etc etc. Poor Tom...
1) We've known I was pregnant since I was only 3 weeks. YES 3 WEEKS! I took that damn home preggo test 1 week before my period was supposed to start, just because I wanted to know if I should be drinking myself silly in the Dominican Republic. I mean I'm definitely glad I did, but this means I've known for 7 weeks now! UG. Most people I talk to find out the news around 6 or 7 weeks. So in their 10th week they have only had a month to digest the info. I've had 7 weeks! Today, I finally unsubscribed from all of the email newsletters I've been receiving from babybump.com and wte.com. It's interesting info, but I've already read it all...a few times!! Plus, I work from home so sitting at the house with just a cat and dog to talk to can really drag out a day (sorry Miss Kitty and Roo). I shouldn't bitch...I asked for this work from home gig and I do love it.
2) I just want to get to 16 weeks! I think if I can make it to 16 weeks this feeling of impatience and anxiousness will die down a little. At 16 weeks I can have an "informal" gender ultrasound at my docs office for $65. And really, this is the main thing I want to know! I just need my premonition that it's a girl confirmed. Once I know this for sure, I can let go and move forward with my day dreams and planning! As it stands now, I'll start to day dream about holding my little baby and I'll really start to connect, but then the dream gets side railed when my mind starts to wonder off to gender land. I need to know that the baby I am dreaming about is a boy or girl. Then the dream can complete itself and I can move on to feeding and baths and threatening my husband that he is NOT going golfing and leaving me behind with a screaming child...etc etc. Poor Tom...
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
10 week update 6-12-12
Necia finally sent me the photos of the tubing from labor day so she is redeemed. I also forgot her birthday last week so, we are even. ;o) Not really, I'm a crappy friend for forgetting her birthday.
Let's see, last week mom was here to visit. She had come to New Orleans to perform in her Senior Traveling Performer group at Harrah's downtown. So I went and saw that on Monday, and then she stopped here on her way back to Birmingham. She stayed Wed - Saturday. We had lunch, went to a little league game, shopped, did a puzzle, watched movies and baked cookies. She taught Dillon how to use the public library and I signed him up for the Summer Reading Program. It was a very nice visit! I cried when she left.
This past Sunday Dillon went to a birthday party for one of his cousins on his mom's side. It rained all day so Tom and I laid around and watched the whole first season of that new USA show Suits. It was pretty good. And it was even better to lay around on a rainy Sunday and do <in a high pitched opera voice> NOTHING!!
As for symptoms - they are all pretty much the same except I have more nausea. But still no vomiting. I really just wish I could sometimes!
So on to the most exciting part of the blog...I had my 2nd OB appointment today. Of course I had no clue what they were going to do so at first I told Tom he didn't have to go but then changed my mind yesterday. So he rearranged his schedule and accompanied me to the appointment. Of course we get there and his phone blows up with some new drama at work. I got nervous he was going to miss the action but he made it in time. They took my weight (gained 5 lbs but I'll make a disclaimer here that I fluctuate 5 lbs on a daily basis so I'm not worried), took my blood pressure (120/70 - I bet they'd have the heart attack if they saw my cholesterol!), and did a regular abdominal ultrasound! Yea again!
I sent my sister this photo via text and asked her what she thought of the sac (she said the last one was nice so I'm curious as to how the sac is holding out). I have not heard. Also, Dr. Tyding's kept referring to the little fetus as "he" and I quickly corrected him. It's a "she". Should I go ahead and start calling her Danni?
Before we even started the ultrasound Dr. Tydings was trying to trick Tom, pointing to a blank screen and asking Tom if he saw the baby. I was very confused. You don't do this to a pregnant woman.
We did not hear the heartbeat but we did see it! And most exciting of all, the baby moved around for us! So it's really really real!! I'm so glad Tom went with me. I hope it feels more real for him as well. Although this morning he did stroke my belly and I sadly had to inform him that he was just patting bloated bowels. But it was a very cute gesture, I think...
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Lane, Grayson, Dillon, Will, and Chloe |
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Poppy's Dream Come True: Grandkids on the tube! |
This past Sunday Dillon went to a birthday party for one of his cousins on his mom's side. It rained all day so Tom and I laid around and watched the whole first season of that new USA show Suits. It was pretty good. And it was even better to lay around on a rainy Sunday and do <in a high pitched opera voice> NOTHING!!
As for symptoms - they are all pretty much the same except I have more nausea. But still no vomiting. I really just wish I could sometimes!
So on to the most exciting part of the blog...I had my 2nd OB appointment today. Of course I had no clue what they were going to do so at first I told Tom he didn't have to go but then changed my mind yesterday. So he rearranged his schedule and accompanied me to the appointment. Of course we get there and his phone blows up with some new drama at work. I got nervous he was going to miss the action but he made it in time. They took my weight (gained 5 lbs but I'll make a disclaimer here that I fluctuate 5 lbs on a daily basis so I'm not worried), took my blood pressure (120/70 - I bet they'd have the heart attack if they saw my cholesterol!), and did a regular abdominal ultrasound! Yea again!
I sent my sister this photo via text and asked her what she thought of the sac (she said the last one was nice so I'm curious as to how the sac is holding out). I have not heard. Also, Dr. Tyding's kept referring to the little fetus as "he" and I quickly corrected him. It's a "she". Should I go ahead and start calling her Danni?
Before we even started the ultrasound Dr. Tydings was trying to trick Tom, pointing to a blank screen and asking Tom if he saw the baby. I was very confused. You don't do this to a pregnant woman.
We did not hear the heartbeat but we did see it! And most exciting of all, the baby moved around for us! So it's really really real!! I'm so glad Tom went with me. I hope it feels more real for him as well. Although this morning he did stroke my belly and I sadly had to inform him that he was just patting bloated bowels. But it was a very cute gesture, I think...
Monday, June 4, 2012
9 week update 6-4-12
To my loyal fans: I am very sorry that it has taken me 2 weeks to post. I was waiting for Necia to send me some pics so I could post them here, but she is a horrible slacker and I cannot keep you waiting any longer!
So we'll have to go all the way back to memorial day weekend. It was such a great weekend with my family at Lakeside Landing. Dillon absolutely LOVES to visit and this just over joys me. He had his very first plane ride with his dad and then followed it up with 2 days of pure fun. We had several kids there and we were all impressed with Will's right of passage into the world of Big Boy Tubing!
<insert photo of kids on tube - use your imagination since slacker Necia can't figure out how to text a damn photo>
We roasted marshmallows and hot dogs, the boys made new friends, and the babies got to experience some outdoor life. It really was just beautiful! I was sad to leave. Sidenote: Since my husband had flown up while I drove, I was looking forward to having someone to help drive back. We got about 20 miles past Tuscaloosa and I get the "Honey, my eyes are drooping, you need to drive." Road Wimp.
The day after we got back, Tom, Laura, and myself went to see What to Expect When You Are Expecting at the theater. We went to eat at Italian Pie where Taylor works first - she is so cute. We got to the theater and I sat on the end, expecting to get up to pee several times, but no! I made it through the whole movie! Also, I think Tom enjoyed the movie more than I. Every time Elizabeth Banks experienced a symptom he jabbed me in the side and chuckled, "That's you honey!". Hardy har. But true. He has no idea what the next 7 months have in store for him.
This past weekend was filled with baseball... Dillon had his regular Saturday game and it was beautiful outside! But on Sunday, he had to make up for 2 rain outs with a double header and it was HOT! Margie and I sat in the sun (we're so stupid, we were surrounded by smart people that brought umbrellas and chair tents). I drank a 24oz Gatorade and 3 bottled waters. I informed Margie that I had yet to pee - which meant I must me too hot if I was just sweating it all out. So I finally moved over to the shade, which was the visiting team but I didn't care. And good thing too. It was closer to the bathroom that I visited about 45 times after that.
Today I went downtown to meet up with my mom. Her touring Play Group was doing at show at Harrah's. It was cute. My sister was right, Mom is totally over qualified for this, but it looked fun. I wish I was down there to go and do all of the fun stuff with her.
As far as symptoms -
I thought I had gotten lucky as my nausea subsided for week 7 and half of week 8. But no - it was just a breather. It's back. Sometimes bad enough for me to use the sea bands, sometimes not. I like those things but they make a horrible mark in my wrists and they start to hurt after a prolonged period of time.
Boobs. Sore. Huge.
I don't have as much cramping but from time to time, I can tell my uterus is doing the Stretch portion of the P90X program.
Sleep has gotten better. This may be because we finally kicked the animals out of the bedroom. Poor dog. I still get up every 2 hours to pee, but I'm typically able to get back to sleep. Unless it's Saturday or Sunday morning in which I'm up at 4am. Thank goodness I can eat and go back to bed!
And I'm tired. I feel as if I'm climbing a mountain. Eating and talking make me winded. Laying in bed scratching Tom's back makes me winded.
But that's about it! I am about to leave to go to a class over at my Doctor's office. I'm not that interested in the topic. I'm just going to meet some people. I need some friends down here. Sidenote: I saw Matt and Melo York at the ball park and I was telling Margie who they were, and she said, "See you have friends down here! And I'll be your friend!". I responded, "That's great Margie. My friends consist of my ex-boyfriend's best friends, and my husband's ex-wife!" Can't I just have normal friends?? I'll keep you all posted.
So we'll have to go all the way back to memorial day weekend. It was such a great weekend with my family at Lakeside Landing. Dillon absolutely LOVES to visit and this just over joys me. He had his very first plane ride with his dad and then followed it up with 2 days of pure fun. We had several kids there and we were all impressed with Will's right of passage into the world of Big Boy Tubing!
<insert photo of kids on tube - use your imagination since slacker Necia can't figure out how to text a damn photo>
We roasted marshmallows and hot dogs, the boys made new friends, and the babies got to experience some outdoor life. It really was just beautiful! I was sad to leave. Sidenote: Since my husband had flown up while I drove, I was looking forward to having someone to help drive back. We got about 20 miles past Tuscaloosa and I get the "Honey, my eyes are drooping, you need to drive." Road Wimp.
The day after we got back, Tom, Laura, and myself went to see What to Expect When You Are Expecting at the theater. We went to eat at Italian Pie where Taylor works first - she is so cute. We got to the theater and I sat on the end, expecting to get up to pee several times, but no! I made it through the whole movie! Also, I think Tom enjoyed the movie more than I. Every time Elizabeth Banks experienced a symptom he jabbed me in the side and chuckled, "That's you honey!". Hardy har. But true. He has no idea what the next 7 months have in store for him.
This past weekend was filled with baseball... Dillon had his regular Saturday game and it was beautiful outside! But on Sunday, he had to make up for 2 rain outs with a double header and it was HOT! Margie and I sat in the sun (we're so stupid, we were surrounded by smart people that brought umbrellas and chair tents). I drank a 24oz Gatorade and 3 bottled waters. I informed Margie that I had yet to pee - which meant I must me too hot if I was just sweating it all out. So I finally moved over to the shade, which was the visiting team but I didn't care. And good thing too. It was closer to the bathroom that I visited about 45 times after that.
Today I went downtown to meet up with my mom. Her touring Play Group was doing at show at Harrah's. It was cute. My sister was right, Mom is totally over qualified for this, but it looked fun. I wish I was down there to go and do all of the fun stuff with her.
As far as symptoms -
I thought I had gotten lucky as my nausea subsided for week 7 and half of week 8. But no - it was just a breather. It's back. Sometimes bad enough for me to use the sea bands, sometimes not. I like those things but they make a horrible mark in my wrists and they start to hurt after a prolonged period of time.
Boobs. Sore. Huge.
I don't have as much cramping but from time to time, I can tell my uterus is doing the Stretch portion of the P90X program.
Sleep has gotten better. This may be because we finally kicked the animals out of the bedroom. Poor dog. I still get up every 2 hours to pee, but I'm typically able to get back to sleep. Unless it's Saturday or Sunday morning in which I'm up at 4am. Thank goodness I can eat and go back to bed!
And I'm tired. I feel as if I'm climbing a mountain. Eating and talking make me winded. Laying in bed scratching Tom's back makes me winded.
But that's about it! I am about to leave to go to a class over at my Doctor's office. I'm not that interested in the topic. I'm just going to meet some people. I need some friends down here. Sidenote: I saw Matt and Melo York at the ball park and I was telling Margie who they were, and she said, "See you have friends down here! And I'll be your friend!". I responded, "That's great Margie. My friends consist of my ex-boyfriend's best friends, and my husband's ex-wife!" Can't I just have normal friends?? I'll keep you all posted.
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