OK so I'm like a day early on posting this blog but it's a lazy Sunday and I have plenty of time today.
Tomorrow I will officially be 37 weeks! I just can't believe it! This means I'm full term and now it's all just a waiting game. My weekly appointment is tomorrow and I'm really hoping there is at least a little dilation going on... maybe 1 or 2 would be nice. For the last 2 weeks he checked me and announced I was "high and tight" meaning there ain't nothin goin on. But I've had more braxton hicks - nothing regular like 2 weeks ago - but I get them. Kind of feels like someone is slowly spreading my hip bones apart with one of those surgical instruments they use to crack your ribs. Somewhat painful but not a show stopper. I've cut out coffee, which surprisingly wasn't that hard to do. I didn't want her popping out demanding a caramel machiato with a double shot of espresso. Although that sounds yummy. I've been trying to drink more water instead. Not sure why... don't think it really matters at this point but I feel like I need to be hydrated and ready for labor. I've also been walking more. Just an attempt to get things moving along. She pushes her little tush out on my right side, so I constantly feel lopsided. And when she really sticks it out there it kind of hurts! I give her some taps which she seems to ignore. Like mother like daughter. I think she has dropped down a bit in the last 2 days. My ribs are not nearly as sore as they were over the past month, and the cough I had seems to have subsided FINALLY! The 8th month was by far the worst because of that darned cough. I haven't gotten a solid night's sleep in 8 months, but now it's especially difficult. It's very hard to get into a comfortable position, and when I finally find something that works and doze off for an hour, I wake up with aching hips and the need for a bathroom trip. Getting in and out of the bed is a chore! Poor Tom. I have not had that much swelling - maybe b/c I gave up the coffee and replaced with water? But my feet have looked like normal non-pregnant feet for the last 2 weeks, so that's good!
So that's my news for now, and I leave you with my comparison montage. If there is a significant change in my cervical status tomorrow, I'll post again. If not...I'll post when I get around to it. :o)
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
I can honestly say that the baby fever has now reached an all time record high. This baby is all I think about 24/7 and yes I do mean 24 hours a day because there is no sleeping and when I do catch a nap I'm dreaming about her. When I think of Tom and Dillon I think of them with the baby, holding the baby, feeding the baby (not changing the baby I'm not delusional).
I have mentioned that I found these 2 wonderful friends down here in LA - internet stalking really pays off - and they have helped me so much through this pregnancy. Angela has a 2 year old sweet girl with the most gorgeous dark eyes (Isabella) and Jess has a 1.5 year old sweet girl with stunning blue eyes (Juliette). Well...today both of these ladies made the mercury shoot through the top of the baby thermometer!
Jess gave birth to another little sweet baby girl today at around lunch time. So Angela headed over to Jess's house to help look after Ju and I swang by and picked up food for Jess and Justin. I was just gonna drop it off and go help Angela but Jess was just sitting there, an hour after giving birth, looking gorgeous and I swear she was high on life. I'm sure she may have been high on drugs too but you could see the life puling in her. Grinning ear to ear, relaxed, calm... I was like a moth to a flame, walking in the room gettin high off whatever she was exuding. It was unreal. I have not seen a new baby in 2 years since my niece was born and I was in my I'm-never-having-kids phase. I did not get a chance to hold the baby - daddy was giving her a bath and after that she was hungry. I'm pretty sure if I had it would have shocked my system right into labor, which I guess would be fine since I WAS on a L&D unit and my doc delivers there on occasion.
Ju had woken up from her nap so Angela came to the hospital but I met her in the parking lot so we could eat in her car really quick. We we weren't quick enough because poor Isabella fell asleep in her carseat. So I told Angela to go ahead and go in while I ate and sat with the little sleeper. So she did and about 2 minutes after she walked in Isabella woke up and was scared that all of the sudden her mama wasn't there. So I pulled her out of her seat and held her and found an Elmo video on my phone, so she just laid against Danni while I stroked her back. I was OVERDOSING on mommy hormone by this time. I even had some very light BH contractions. She was so cute and I'd love to think it was my innate mommy abilities that calmed her, but really it was stupid Elmo. But holding her was just so overwhelmingly satisfying...and she's not even mine!
As a matter of fact - it's been about 3 hours since I wrote that last line. I happened to realize that I WAS having contractions. They were light but they were steady so I went and had them checked out. Nothing to worry about I'm back home now...still dreaming about my sweet little girl.
I have mentioned that I found these 2 wonderful friends down here in LA - internet stalking really pays off - and they have helped me so much through this pregnancy. Angela has a 2 year old sweet girl with the most gorgeous dark eyes (Isabella) and Jess has a 1.5 year old sweet girl with stunning blue eyes (Juliette). Well...today both of these ladies made the mercury shoot through the top of the baby thermometer!
Jess gave birth to another little sweet baby girl today at around lunch time. So Angela headed over to Jess's house to help look after Ju and I swang by and picked up food for Jess and Justin. I was just gonna drop it off and go help Angela but Jess was just sitting there, an hour after giving birth, looking gorgeous and I swear she was high on life. I'm sure she may have been high on drugs too but you could see the life puling in her. Grinning ear to ear, relaxed, calm... I was like a moth to a flame, walking in the room gettin high off whatever she was exuding. It was unreal. I have not seen a new baby in 2 years since my niece was born and I was in my I'm-never-having-kids phase. I did not get a chance to hold the baby - daddy was giving her a bath and after that she was hungry. I'm pretty sure if I had it would have shocked my system right into labor, which I guess would be fine since I WAS on a L&D unit and my doc delivers there on occasion.
Ju had woken up from her nap so Angela came to the hospital but I met her in the parking lot so we could eat in her car really quick. We we weren't quick enough because poor Isabella fell asleep in her carseat. So I told Angela to go ahead and go in while I ate and sat with the little sleeper. So she did and about 2 minutes after she walked in Isabella woke up and was scared that all of the sudden her mama wasn't there. So I pulled her out of her seat and held her and found an Elmo video on my phone, so she just laid against Danni while I stroked her back. I was OVERDOSING on mommy hormone by this time. I even had some very light BH contractions. She was so cute and I'd love to think it was my innate mommy abilities that calmed her, but really it was stupid Elmo. But holding her was just so overwhelmingly satisfying...and she's not even mine!
As a matter of fact - it's been about 3 hours since I wrote that last line. I happened to realize that I WAS having contractions. They were light but they were steady so I went and had them checked out. Nothing to worry about I'm back home now...still dreaming about my sweet little girl.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Danni's Special Angel
Dear Danni -
My plan for you is to live a life filled with love and kindness, a kind of life everyone deserves. I want you to know that as you grow and get older, you will have a special angel that will look over you and guide you. She had a gleaming love for me and we shared a unique bond. She taught me so much... like how babies are born (I still don't believe her!!).
I wish that you would have had the chance to meet her when she was here on earth, as I know she wanted to meet you. But she left us on November 24th, 2012 - about a month before you are scheduled to arrive. I want you to have these photos of her as a reminder that you will never be alone - always protected.
This is your Great Aunt Gaggie -
I miss you Aunt G - please look over Danni for me.
Love Katie
My plan for you is to live a life filled with love and kindness, a kind of life everyone deserves. I want you to know that as you grow and get older, you will have a special angel that will look over you and guide you. She had a gleaming love for me and we shared a unique bond. She taught me so much... like how babies are born (I still don't believe her!!).
I wish that you would have had the chance to meet her when she was here on earth, as I know she wanted to meet you. But she left us on November 24th, 2012 - about a month before you are scheduled to arrive. I want you to have these photos of her as a reminder that you will never be alone - always protected.
This is your Great Aunt Gaggie -
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Top left: Holding me as a new born. Top right: Her and mom helping me walk on the beach, Lana looking on. Bottom: Holding Meghan and I. Meghan was a cute baby! |
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One of her visits - I would get SOOOO excited that she was coming! |
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These were taken at mom's cabin in Talladega. Aunt G and Uncle C had just bought a house close by so I always got to see them when I visited mom. |
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That's me in the big helmet. We were at Lana's in Waconia, MN. FREEZING TO DEATH! I was actually about to ride their snow mobile. |
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Again in Talladega on top of Bald Rock. Gorgeous view. One of my favorite places to go. |
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She had a pool with a cabana. Top pic is me sleeping in her lap while she read her paper. Bottom pic is my best friend Laura getting jealous of the attention and plopping in the middle of us. |
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This was the family at Aunt Meghan's wedding. You don't know her as Aunt Meghan - Not sure what you will call her but I'll think of something good. |
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Top photo is at her and Uncle C's 50th wedding celebration. Bottom is at Aunt Meghan's bachelorette party at Lulus in Gulf Shores. |
I miss you Aunt G - please look over Danni for me.
Love Katie
Thursday, November 29, 2012
THE Baby Shower
This is something I had been looking forward to for MONTHS. Seriously it felt like time was creeping along as I anticipated having my family together to celebrate this new little life - kind of like when I was waiting to hit that 17.5 week mark so we could find out our little bean was a girl. Pregnancy has its ups and downs BUT the ups far outweigh the downs. So many big surprises and reason's for family to be together!
My only requests were that it wasn't a ladies only shower and that we had food... everything else was left up to these fine ladies.
The hostesses from left to right: Meghan Whitfield (sister and it was at her house), Toni Dueitt (SIL), Margaret Hendrix (mom), Me (me) and Tina McDaniel (stepmonster mother - she loves her nickname) .
Everything was hot pink and zebra striped. I call this the Jersey Shore theme and it started because I am (well, was until I plastered it all over this blog...) a closet Jersey Shore fanatic. I even went through a fake nail/eyelash phase. Anywhoo...during this phase of my life I asked mom to make me and Danni matching blankets, one side being hot pink, the other zebra striped. So she did and somehow this spilled into the theme for the shower. I LOVED IT!! Especially Tina's pink pants.
We had Jim N Nick's Barbeque and cupcakes with zebra liners, cream cheese icing spray painted pink with pink sprinkles. And then Tina made her famous broccoli salad and mom did her potato salad. Meghan did the cupcakes and Toni did a choc cherry dessert.
Tina bought door prizes that matched the theme. We played 2 games. One had to do with not saying the word "baby" and the other was something I'll cherish forever - everyone had to write down their own advice for raising a baby and I had to guess who wrote it. So cute and I have everyone's advice saved in a little book.
Everything turned out so super cute I could not believe it. I was so happy to have everyone there! I feel like Tom, Dillon, Danni and myself are very lucky to have such a wonderful family that loves us so much!!
Here are some more pics from the shower.
I will also point out that Necia was tasked with entertaining me for the day. So we went and had mani/pedis, did some shopping, and ate at Chipotle. All I had to do was enjoy my day and show up at the shower... kind of like my wedding day. Funny how that works out...
So now that I've been home I've put away all Danni's loot, washed all of her clothes, set up her play pin and bassinet, and ordered my boob pump. I'm all set to have a baby girl now (well, after my sister gets her butt down here and gives me some lessons on bassinets, bottle warmers, pumps, etc).
It was just awesome and I'm still beaming about it.
My only requests were that it wasn't a ladies only shower and that we had food... everything else was left up to these fine ladies.
The hostesses from left to right: Meghan Whitfield (sister and it was at her house), Toni Dueitt (SIL), Margaret Hendrix (mom), Me (me) and Tina McDaniel (step
Everything was hot pink and zebra striped. I call this the Jersey Shore theme and it started because I am (well, was until I plastered it all over this blog...) a closet Jersey Shore fanatic. I even went through a fake nail/eyelash phase. Anywhoo...during this phase of my life I asked mom to make me and Danni matching blankets, one side being hot pink, the other zebra striped. So she did and somehow this spilled into the theme for the shower. I LOVED IT!! Especially Tina's pink pants.
We had Jim N Nick's Barbeque and cupcakes with zebra liners, cream cheese icing spray painted pink with pink sprinkles. And then Tina made her famous broccoli salad and mom did her potato salad. Meghan did the cupcakes and Toni did a choc cherry dessert.
Tina bought door prizes that matched the theme. We played 2 games. One had to do with not saying the word "baby" and the other was something I'll cherish forever - everyone had to write down their own advice for raising a baby and I had to guess who wrote it. So cute and I have everyone's advice saved in a little book.
Everything turned out so super cute I could not believe it. I was so happy to have everyone there! I feel like Tom, Dillon, Danni and myself are very lucky to have such a wonderful family that loves us so much!!
Here are some more pics from the shower.
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Tom and Dillon's arrival |
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My grand entrance. I had not seen all of the decor...so I was getting my first glance. So exciting! |
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My toes left, Tina's toes right. Even our toes joined in on the theme! |
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Me and my little Memaw |
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Even the little tree in the background had pink lights. |
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Me and my hubby enjoying the night |
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This is not a cute child... |
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See not cute at all. Meghan's youngest with his Poppie (my daddy). |
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Enjoying the food - Jim N Nicks YUMMMM. Oh and enjoying the company too... :o) |
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Off to the right you can kind of see the blankets that started this whole theme |
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Nastiness. |
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Me and my bestie - all pinked out! |
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Again, some more non-cute kids. For real where did all of these ugly kids come from? LOL Dillon and Grayson showing some love. |
I will also point out that Necia was tasked with entertaining me for the day. So we went and had mani/pedis, did some shopping, and ate at Chipotle. All I had to do was enjoy my day and show up at the shower... kind of like my wedding day. Funny how that works out...
So now that I've been home I've put away all Danni's loot, washed all of her clothes, set up her play pin and bassinet, and ordered my boob pump. I'm all set to have a baby girl now (well, after my sister gets her butt down here and gives me some lessons on bassinets, bottle warmers, pumps, etc).
It was just awesome and I'm still beaming about it.
34 Week Update
I'm not so good at this blogging thing - it's been over a month since the last update. WHOOPS. Sorry kind of busy creating a human life!
I'm just going to give a general 34 week update here, and then I'll do a separate post about my amazing baby shower... because it really deserves it's own post!
First and Foremost: Let's get the bump comparison photo out of the way. Please excuse my appearance. Hey, at least I put on mascara.
OK so that's done... and please just focus on the belly, not the number of chins I have developed.
As for how I feel. Well, large. And sick...
I have to confess here to my little Danni that I've been drugging her with codeine. I'm sure if she is like her mama, she doesn't mind too much, but I'm sorry I could not give her the opportunity to "Just Say No". Today marks the 20th (? I may have lost count ?) day of a terrible cough I have developed. I have seen the OB twice and my regular doc once. The OB thinks it's sinus drainage - but he looks at pregnant belly's and hoo ha's all day, so what does he know? The regular doc thinks it's Whooping Cough or Walking Pneumonia but he didn't test me. I hate doctors. SO at this point I've been prescribed Robitussin with codeine AND as of Tuesday an antibiotic. It's not working fast enough. I'm convinced my rib is cracked from the violent cough, and frankly, I'm tired of peeing on myself. I think my little sickness DID help me loose a pound over the holidays... at least it has it's perks!
Other than being sick, everything else is going great! I start my weekly appointments next week. So he will start checking me to see if I'm dilating and how big my little whopper is. He said no to going past 40 weeks so I know that by January 7th she'll be in my arms, but at this point I assume even that could change. Her head is down where it's supposed to be, and I feel her move all the time. I can feel her turn her head and flip from side to side. She has the hiccups about 3 times a day now. This used to be endearing, but now I feel like she is poking me and saying "Mama, mama, mama mama" with every hiccup. Tom does not understand that this has become annoying, so occasionally I send him back to back texts "Mama....Mama...Mama...Mama....Mama..." until she stops. This annoys him to the point of threats to withhold food from me, so at least he understands a little better I think.
Funny story: The other night I nonchalantly mentioned to Tom that a Coach Diaper Bag this would be a good Christmas idea for me - he likes to buy me nice things, I want stuff for the baby... easy right? Well he gets his panties in a bunch about it and kind of stomps out of the room. WTH? He fixes himself a bowl of cereal and comes back in the room and stares me down and proceeds to tell me how much I piss him off with my ability to ruin a good surprise. :o) That same night he had been across the lake buying me said bag. And he didn't want me to think he went out and bought me one just because I had mentioned it, you know he wanted the credit for thinking about it all on his own. I must say, I DO love to spoil a good surprise. Don't know why... Anyway I CANNOT wait to use it!! I already have it packed with some items.
That about does it for my 34 week update. I have 2 more posts that I need to make TODAY so be on the lookout. As a matter of fact, why don't you just join my blog so it at least looks like I'm a hot popular blogger - links to the right I think... :o)
I'm just going to give a general 34 week update here, and then I'll do a separate post about my amazing baby shower... because it really deserves it's own post!
First and Foremost: Let's get the bump comparison photo out of the way. Please excuse my appearance. Hey, at least I put on mascara.
OK so that's done... and please just focus on the belly, not the number of chins I have developed.
As for how I feel. Well, large. And sick...
I have to confess here to my little Danni that I've been drugging her with codeine. I'm sure if she is like her mama, she doesn't mind too much, but I'm sorry I could not give her the opportunity to "Just Say No". Today marks the 20th (? I may have lost count ?) day of a terrible cough I have developed. I have seen the OB twice and my regular doc once. The OB thinks it's sinus drainage - but he looks at pregnant belly's and hoo ha's all day, so what does he know? The regular doc thinks it's Whooping Cough or Walking Pneumonia but he didn't test me. I hate doctors. SO at this point I've been prescribed Robitussin with codeine AND as of Tuesday an antibiotic. It's not working fast enough. I'm convinced my rib is cracked from the violent cough, and frankly, I'm tired of peeing on myself. I think my little sickness DID help me loose a pound over the holidays... at least it has it's perks!
Other than being sick, everything else is going great! I start my weekly appointments next week. So he will start checking me to see if I'm dilating and how big my little whopper is. He said no to going past 40 weeks so I know that by January 7th she'll be in my arms, but at this point I assume even that could change. Her head is down where it's supposed to be, and I feel her move all the time. I can feel her turn her head and flip from side to side. She has the hiccups about 3 times a day now. This used to be endearing, but now I feel like she is poking me and saying "Mama, mama, mama mama" with every hiccup. Tom does not understand that this has become annoying, so occasionally I send him back to back texts "Mama....Mama...Mama...Mama....Mama..." until she stops. This annoys him to the point of threats to withhold food from me, so at least he understands a little better I think.
Funny story: The other night I nonchalantly mentioned to Tom that a Coach Diaper Bag this would be a good Christmas idea for me - he likes to buy me nice things, I want stuff for the baby... easy right? Well he gets his panties in a bunch about it and kind of stomps out of the room. WTH? He fixes himself a bowl of cereal and comes back in the room and stares me down and proceeds to tell me how much I piss him off with my ability to ruin a good surprise. :o) That same night he had been across the lake buying me said bag. And he didn't want me to think he went out and bought me one just because I had mentioned it, you know he wanted the credit for thinking about it all on his own. I must say, I DO love to spoil a good surprise. Don't know why... Anyway I CANNOT wait to use it!! I already have it packed with some items.
That about does it for my 34 week update. I have 2 more posts that I need to make TODAY so be on the lookout. As a matter of fact, why don't you just join my blog so it at least looks like I'm a hot popular blogger - links to the right I think... :o)
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The Whopper & Dillon's Field Trip
Today Danni is 29 Weeks, 2 Days.
Last week I had my regular OB check. Her heart rate was 156 which is great. The doc was examining/palpating/ pressing around my belly and he states "Oh my we have a whopper in there." While I am excited she's "healthy" I'm a little afraid about what that means in terms of the watermelon through a lemon hole analogy. You get my drift.
I also went for my Gestational Diabetes test. This is where you go to one of those Lab Corp/Quest Diagnostic type places and drink this sugary concoction that reminded me of a flat Orange Crush with way more sugar. Then you wait exactly one hour and they draw your blood. This tells the doc if your body is processing sugar normally. I am happy to announce I passed. They consider anything under 130 to be normal and I was 84. This tells me my body loves sugar and that I should celebrate with a bowl of ice cream.
Yesterday I "chaperoned" Dillon's class field trip to Luizzo Produce Farms in Amite. It was pretty cool. They had pumpkin decorating, a corn maze, a tour of the farm, etc. We got to pet the animals and feed the baby cow. They even have a 5 month old zebra! I also learned the best time to buy strawberries is in the winter. By end of spring/summer, the plants are exhausted. Good to know!
Until next time...
Last week I had my regular OB check. Her heart rate was 156 which is great. The doc was examining/palpating/ pressing around my belly and he states "Oh my we have a whopper in there." While I am excited she's "healthy" I'm a little afraid about what that means in terms of the watermelon through a lemon hole analogy. You get my drift.
I also went for my Gestational Diabetes test. This is where you go to one of those Lab Corp/Quest Diagnostic type places and drink this sugary concoction that reminded me of a flat Orange Crush with way more sugar. Then you wait exactly one hour and they draw your blood. This tells the doc if your body is processing sugar normally. I am happy to announce I passed. They consider anything under 130 to be normal and I was 84. This tells me my body loves sugar and that I should celebrate with a bowl of ice cream.
Yesterday I "chaperoned" Dillon's class field trip to Luizzo Produce Farms in Amite. It was pretty cool. They had pumpkin decorating, a corn maze, a tour of the farm, etc. We got to pet the animals and feed the baby cow. They even have a 5 month old zebra! I also learned the best time to buy strawberries is in the winter. By end of spring/summer, the plants are exhausted. Good to know!
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This was their Pumpkin Patch. They have a real patch behind it but it had already been harvested and this was what was left. |
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Mrs. Brown's Class |
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Please note Dillon picks the table where the ladies are. Loves them girls! |
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Dillon painted a Patriotic Pumpkin |
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Holding a teenage duck. |
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Very pretty Zebra! |
Until next time...
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Noteworthy Toilet Tips
If you are pregnant, or plan to become pregnant, I suggest you invest in some heavy duty toilet handles. I have managed to break the handles off both toilets in my 28 weeks of Danni gestation due to the outrageous frequency for which I have to urinate. So here are some more toilet saver options...
- Heavy Duty Handles
- Commercial grade toilets
- Outhouse (free fertilizer for my gardener friends!!)
- Adopt the ole "If it's yellow, it's mellow, if it's brown flush it down" rule
- Start making use of those Depends! This is great b/c you never really have to get up!
If you think of anything creative you want to add, please feel free to leave your ideas in the comment section :-)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Happy 3rd Trimester to Us!!!
PHEW it's been about 3 weeks since my last post and my sincerest apologies to all that find my blog exhilarating and have missed it. You two know who you are!!!
We finished the house remodel on my birthday...yea!! So I made a little 5 min video of the "after" if you would like to see it. The Henderson Home Remodel Project
Yesterday I think I officially entered my third trimester at 27 weeks. YEA! I'm not totally sure on this since there are several different opinions on when the third tri starts. But all my other pregnant friends on the pregger boards are celebrating, so what the heck!!
Everything seems to be going fine. Last week I had to cancel a work trip b/c I was having some pains but I think they were completely normal. Dr. T was probably just being way too overly cautious when he asked me not to fly. Kind of a bummer as I was looking forward to seeing some of my work friends. Instead, Tom drove me to Birmingham to visit the fam while he "golfed his brains out". I bought him a session with the Taylor Made Golf Lab for his birthday so he was in heaven. While he was practicing for the Pro Tour (yeah right we wish) I went out and registered for all the crap my sister and I think I need to bring this sweet little girl into the world (yeah yeah vomit). If you are interested in purchasing any of said crap, we are registered at Target, Babies R Us and Amazon.com. I am especially mesmerized by the snot sucker. Can't wait to use it. May have Tom give it a whirl on me during my next cold. OK GROSS!
The weight gain is OOC (out of control). It's really the only thing that's making me uncomfortable. I was already 25lbs over my normal weight when I found out I was preggers. So any weight I put on is something I measure against my norm, not what I started pregnancy at. It's making me nuts (and fat!). I could totally control this rapid increase in weight, but I just simply choose not to I guess. I'm tired and lazy, what can I say?
So...for your viewing pleasure - here is the latest belly pics. OMG!
OK my new goal is to get back to my weekly Danni updates... maybe some really sweet people will start buying us some stuff off the registry so I can blog about all the great stuff we are getting.. HINT HINT HINT HINT HINT HINT
We finished the house remodel on my birthday...yea!! So I made a little 5 min video of the "after" if you would like to see it. The Henderson Home Remodel Project
Yesterday I think I officially entered my third trimester at 27 weeks. YEA! I'm not totally sure on this since there are several different opinions on when the third tri starts. But all my other pregnant friends on the pregger boards are celebrating, so what the heck!!
Everything seems to be going fine. Last week I had to cancel a work trip b/c I was having some pains but I think they were completely normal. Dr. T was probably just being way too overly cautious when he asked me not to fly. Kind of a bummer as I was looking forward to seeing some of my work friends. Instead, Tom drove me to Birmingham to visit the fam while he "golfed his brains out". I bought him a session with the Taylor Made Golf Lab for his birthday so he was in heaven. While he was practicing for the Pro Tour (yeah right we wish) I went out and registered for all the crap my sister and I think I need to bring this sweet little girl into the world (yeah yeah vomit). If you are interested in purchasing any of said crap, we are registered at Target, Babies R Us and Amazon.com. I am especially mesmerized by the snot sucker. Can't wait to use it. May have Tom give it a whirl on me during my next cold. OK GROSS!
The weight gain is OOC (out of control). It's really the only thing that's making me uncomfortable. I was already 25lbs over my normal weight when I found out I was preggers. So any weight I put on is something I measure against my norm, not what I started pregnancy at. It's making me nuts (and fat!). I could totally control this rapid increase in weight, but I just simply choose not to I guess. I'm tired and lazy, what can I say?
So...for your viewing pleasure - here is the latest belly pics. OMG!
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This week it finally looks like a basketball instead of just flab! |
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This week I honored the 3rd tri by taking my pic in THE RED PANTS!! |
Friday, September 14, 2012
More home remodel, Bloomington, and NEW CAMERA!
I's had so much going on in the past 2 weeks I don't even know where to begin.
Let's start with little Miss Danni - since this blog is supposed to be about her development anyway. So far she is doing great at almost 24 weeks!! Lots of kicks and punches. I love it when I have a full bladder and she decides to wake up and start playing around on top of it. LOVELY! I can no longer see my toes. Which isn't a big deal. But...I can hardly see the area "down there" anymore either, which is a big deal. Grooming is of utmost importance. And our shower isn't really grooming friendly. I need to move this party to the bath tub, but it's pretty stopped up and I don't even want to speculate as to why. Also, after running the water for about 10 seconds, the water turns orange for a minute before returning to clear. So the plumber is coming tomorrow morning for the new kitchen sink (to me this is a baby tub - I aint bending over in the bathroom every night!) and he will hopefully be fixing my bathtub as well. Yea! I have also noticed that my bend radius is diminishing more and more... more so after I eat breakfast. When I first wake up I'm fine. I can drop things and pick them up fine. But not so much after I eat. Strange!
The next item on the update agenda is my trip to Bloomington, IL this past week. It's a pilgrimage I try to do in the summer to visit my best friend Laura. I have mentioned her several times in this blog. We roomed together at Illinois State University together our senior year and in the 12 years that have followed she has become a member of my family. She has been down to see me and my family several times in the past year, but it's been 2 years since I've seen her 2 sweet babies. We had a great time together! We shopped til we dropped, had a "party" (it's not REALLY a party unless I can consume adult beverages to the point of embarrassing myself and the people around me), celebrated Laura's 34th birthday and had a photo shoot (she's a kick ass free lance photographer!). I've posted all my favs! It's important to note that this was a very impromptu shoot - and look how amazing the photos turned out!! She only did minor touch ups!
Laura let me borrow her sweet little girl Riley for these photos. She was the assistant photographer and she was in charge of my hair. I think she did an excellent job!
I also inherited Laura's infamous red pants. Apparently she lived in these things during her 2 pregnancies and I'm sure her husband BJ is eternally grateful that I took them off her hands. They ARE great pants - let's see what Tom thinks about them in about 2 months!
I loved going places with these 2 beautiful children... they looked like they belonged to me and I appeared to be very fertile to the general public. I felt like such a mommy!
I love going to Bloomington. Out of all of the places I lived in IL, Blooington was my favorite and I always feel like I'm going back home in a way. And the weather was gorgeous! It was nice to get out of the swamp heat in Louisiana AND out of the dust that is my remodeled house in progress.
Home Remodel: I CAN SEE THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL!! As I type this blog update, the granite guys are installing my new counter tops! YEA! YEA YEA YEA. I have spent so long living in dust and disorganization that I just simply cannot wait for this to be DONE. And so far, everything looks great. The new paint, the new carpet, removal of the fireplace, and I'm especially in love with the new hardwood floors. My best friend from AL is on her way to visit me right now and I'm so excited for her to use my new kitchen to prepare Sunday dinner (fried chicken, greens, mashed potatoes, and whatever else we can think of!!) - note that I said excited for HER to prepare...not me :O) As I mentioned before, the plumber will be here in the morning to hook up the sink and then we are good to go!!!
Tomorrow is my birthday, so this morning Tom and Dillon hooked me up with an awesome new Nikon Cool Pix camera. Quadruple YEAs!! It's amazing. I've already played with it and here are some of the pics I shot.
I also have before and after photos of the home remodel project to share - so maybe on the next update! This is of course thanks to my wonderful husband and sweet stepson for my birthday present. And Tiffany will be here so we'll take some pics of her visit.
I sure hope that one day Danni appreciates all of these things we are doing to prepare for her arrival! I am counting the days until we finally meet her - literally thanks to the WTE app!
Let's start with little Miss Danni - since this blog is supposed to be about her development anyway. So far she is doing great at almost 24 weeks!! Lots of kicks and punches. I love it when I have a full bladder and she decides to wake up and start playing around on top of it. LOVELY! I can no longer see my toes. Which isn't a big deal. But...I can hardly see the area "down there" anymore either, which is a big deal. Grooming is of utmost importance. And our shower isn't really grooming friendly. I need to move this party to the bath tub, but it's pretty stopped up and I don't even want to speculate as to why. Also, after running the water for about 10 seconds, the water turns orange for a minute before returning to clear. So the plumber is coming tomorrow morning for the new kitchen sink (to me this is a baby tub - I aint bending over in the bathroom every night!) and he will hopefully be fixing my bathtub as well. Yea! I have also noticed that my bend radius is diminishing more and more... more so after I eat breakfast. When I first wake up I'm fine. I can drop things and pick them up fine. But not so much after I eat. Strange!

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My stylist - Riley Books with Books Photography |
Laura let me borrow her sweet little girl Riley for these photos. She was the assistant photographer and she was in charge of my hair. I think she did an excellent job!
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Ode to the Red Pants! |
I loved going places with these 2 beautiful children... they looked like they belonged to me and I appeared to be very fertile to the general public. I felt like such a mommy!
I love going to Bloomington. Out of all of the places I lived in IL, Blooington was my favorite and I always feel like I'm going back home in a way. And the weather was gorgeous! It was nice to get out of the swamp heat in Louisiana AND out of the dust that is my remodeled house in progress.
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Me and Laura partying at her house. Riley accessorized me with the Donald Duck sticker. |
Home Remodel: I CAN SEE THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL!! As I type this blog update, the granite guys are installing my new counter tops! YEA! YEA YEA YEA. I have spent so long living in dust and disorganization that I just simply cannot wait for this to be DONE. And so far, everything looks great. The new paint, the new carpet, removal of the fireplace, and I'm especially in love with the new hardwood floors. My best friend from AL is on her way to visit me right now and I'm so excited for her to use my new kitchen to prepare Sunday dinner (fried chicken, greens, mashed potatoes, and whatever else we can think of!!) - note that I said excited for HER to prepare...not me :O) As I mentioned before, the plumber will be here in the morning to hook up the sink and then we are good to go!!!
Tomorrow is my birthday, so this morning Tom and Dillon hooked me up with an awesome new Nikon Cool Pix camera. Quadruple YEAs!! It's amazing. I've already played with it and here are some of the pics I shot.
Dillon ready for school - and bored because his friends are not at the bus stop |
Still waiting for the bus |
I love this pic! Photo bombed by the Roo! |
This camera is so quick - I can actually get decent shots of the animals! |
I'm so happy they are finally snuggling. The cat would die if she knew I was posting this. |
I sure hope that one day Danni appreciates all of these things we are doing to prepare for her arrival! I am counting the days until we finally meet her - literally thanks to the WTE app!
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